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Vacation Account

US Alliance Financial Credit Union

The Collective Bargaining Agreements provide for a Vacation Account deduction to the US Alliance Credit Union. This amount is deducted from your paycheck and remitted to the Fund Office by your employer on a weekly or monthly basis. The Fund Office then transfers the Vacation Account contributions to the US Alliance Credit Union once per week. The Fund Office no longer provides checks for vacation contributions. 

As a result of the timing in which Vacation Account contributions are made and transferred to your account, please be aware that your Vacation Account contributions may not be available in your account for approximately 30-60 days after the original deduction from your employer.

Establishing Your US Alliance Account

New Local 21 members and travelers new to the Local 21 jurisdiction must complete the US Alliance Account Application and obtain a US Alliance account in order to receive Vacation Account benefits.  If you are a traveling union member, please also complete the Travelers Enrollment Form. Members are also encouraged to complete a Beneficiary Designation Form.

For inquiries related to your US Alliance account including the status of, account numbers and access, please call US Alliance directly at 800-431-2754 or visit www.usalliance.org.

For Vacation Account contribution related inquiries, please contact Dana Waldron at 914-737-7220 ext. 125.